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Information on the Web Site host/organizer

Festivals of India
703-4085  Saint-Andre
Montreal, QC



The following terms of conditions apply to the festival visitors (in the following: “visitors”) and the Festival of India (in the following: “organizer”).



Start of the event: 11am
End of the event: 8pm
Concert program consists of a stage program and hourly collective color throwing.

Countdown of the color throw: first countdown at 1pm – after that every full hour up to the last countdown at 7pm.



Admission to the festival is possible only with a valid ticket purchased through our website, Facebook or official ticket vendor. The ticket is to be presented at the entrance.

At the entrance a security check will take place by a security company. The security company is advised to do a body and bag check. The organizer reserves the right to deny the admission to the festival site in the case of important matters, example: an obviously high alcoholised condition of a visitor, obviously inhuman, racist, violent outfits, as well as the entrainment of drinks and meals (not handed in voluntarily) and dangerous objects (weapons, pyrotechnic, intoxicants and others). An important matter also is the entrainment of recorders for sound and picture (for details see 9.) without permission.
No megaphones or loud speakers are allowed at the event.
No solicitation or promotion of commercial, political, or other social causes is allowed unless approved beforehand in writing.

In case of a denied admission despite a valid ticket, the visitor has the right for a ticket refund, except the existence of a former defined important matter of denied admission.



In case of the cancellation of the festival – before the festival begins – the visitors only have the right of the refund of the ticket price (except the Eventbrite sale fee). An indemnity claim beyond this is excluded. If the festival is aborted due to an act of nature beyond control (especially weather conditions), official order, venue order or court order, the festival visitor has no right of a ticket refund or indemnity claim. Exception is if the organizer can be accused of willful intent or culpable negligence.

In case of allowed refund – the email is to be sent to: within 10 days. The ticket confirmation number should be included. The handling can take up to 3 months.

Program delays are to be accepted by the visitor, as long as the delay does not exceed 1 hour. Changes are announced by the organizer as soon as possible.
In case of rain on Saturday 10th of August, the program will be postponed to Sunday 11th of August, but will end earlier, to dismantle the site.

The venue owner reserves the right to cancel some activities in case of various weather concerns.



The organizer is acquiring the natural and environment-friendly color powder from the most reputable sources and it has been tested and extensively used in some of the biggest Holi festivals in North America. The organizer has no knowledge of adverse effects on health or environment of the color powder. However, the following safety and security arrangements are instituted by the organizer:

The visitors are not allowed to bring their own color powder. Only the official color powder of the Holi Festival of Colors – Montreal is allowed on the festival grounds.
Visitors with respiratory problems (asthmatic) are advised not to visit the event.
Visitors with contact lenses are advised to not wear these during the event.
The color powder can cause allergies in rare cases, as well as skin, eye and mucosal irritations. Eyes are to be rinsed with clear water. Paramedics will be on site.
In rare cases the color particles of the powder may get attached to bleached, treated or previously damaged hair. Should someone find color residue in their hair, this is not a coloration but rather small color particles that are still attached to the hair and will fall off after a few washes with normal shampoo. Conditioners should be avoided in these cases. 



The organizer indicates that due to high volume possible health risks to hearing exists.



On the entire festival site the instructions of the security personnel and organizers, as well of those of the Old Port of Montreal are to be followed. Any commercial action is forbidden to festival visitors, except in the case of a written agreement with the organizer, which has been set up in advance. Stage diving, crowd surfing and the climbing on stages, trusses, tents, tribunes or other objects is forbidden. Taking animals onto the festival grounds is forbidden. Any violations of these rules will be prosecuted. Should a visitor violate any of the afore mentioned rules and regulations (as well as No. 2, No. 7), they may be expelled from the festival grounds. A refund of the ticket price, as well as a claim for damage compensation is not given.



No outside drinks or meals are allowed on the premises.



Taking pictures is allowed only by mobile phones with camera function and for private use only. It is pointed out that live video recordings are not to be uploaded online.

Cameras with zoom lenses, lenses to change and/or video function, as well as recording devices (MP3/MP4-Rekorder, dictation machines and so on) of any kind are forbidden. Also forbidden are live recordings, which are done without the explicit permission of the organizer or artists. The organizer is permitted to delete illegally made recordings or to let them be deleted. The publishing of such recordings will be prosecuted.


The organizers liability is restricted to damage compensation – insignificant of legal base – to intent and gross negligence. No liability of the organizers is given for stolen or lost objects. The limitation of liability is not valid for damage through the injury of life, body or health, which is caused through the willful or careless violation of duty by the organizer. The limitation of liability is also not valid for other damages, which are caused through the willful or careless violation of duty or through a non-accidentally infringing behavior of elementary contract duties by the organizer. The organizer is liable for his legal agents and assistants.

Electronic and other devices, like cameras and so forth, can be damaged by the color powder. The organizer advices therefore not to bring those to the site or to protect it adequately. The organizer is not liable for the damage or destruction of these objects. The liability remains untouched in the case of willfulness and carelessness.

The organizer is not liable if the color powder is not fully removable from clothes, bags and so on by washing or cleaning.



The festival visitor agrees irrevocably by entering the festival site that pictures and image / sound recordings during the festival are made, which can be used free of charge for reports, as well as prospective advertising of the festival in the media. He also agrees that this material is used for sponsor acquisitions.



Subsidiary agreements, changes and supplements require written form. This holds true for the requirements of the written form itself. The law of the province of Quebec is valid.


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